House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp releases Discussion Draft on Derivatives including a comprehensive mark to market regime and Viva Hammer comments on it Camp Derivatives Discussion Draft 2013-1 ABA
Notional Principal Contracts at ABA
Participating in an American Bar Association panel in September 2012 in Boston, Viva Hammer and other drafters of the notional principal contract rules debated their meaning and future, as reported in Tax Notes Today Sept. 17, 2012 2012-9-14 ABA NPC panel 2012-9-14 ABA NPC
What is a Bank?
Viva Hammer led a panel on the central questions of bank definition in a post Dodd-Frank world 2012-5 ABA Bank Defn
Taxation of Contingent Convertible Notes
Viva Hammer and colleagues at the PLI Financial Products conference in New York on January 17, 2012 examined the history and debated the taxation of contingent convertible securities, also known as CoCos. 2012-2 PLI CoCos
How should swaps be taxed?
Viva Hammer participated in a PLI panel with Karl Walli and Phoebe Mix to discuss new rules on the taxation of swaps, notional principal contracts and credit default swaps. 2012-1-18 PLI NPC CDS 2012-1 PLI Dodd-Frank
Mark to market valuations commented on by Viva Hammer
IRS’ new approach to 475 valuations commented on by Viva Hammer 2011-4-MTM-475
Comments by Viva on Congress’ Financial Products Hearing
Congress prepares for a hearing on the taxation of financial products and Viva Hammer urges members to have courage and make the right policy decisions. 2011-12-06 Bloomberg Fin Products Hearing
Viva comments on new CDS regulations!
Viva Hammer lead’s a webinar on the new tax regulations under section 1256 treating credit default swaps (CDS) as notional principal contracts (NPCs) 2011-10-6 CDS webinar
Bloomberg quotes Viva on derivatives tax
Read Viva’s comments here
CoCos heat up in Basel III
Viva Hammer discusses the tax treatment of CoCos under Basel III and Dodd-Frank.
Learn more here2011-5 IBFD CoCos