Viva Hammer participated in a PLI panel with Karl Walli and Phoebe Mix to discuss new rules on the taxation of swaps, notional principal contracts and credit default swaps. 2012-1-18 PLI NPC CDS 2012-1 PLI Dodd-Frank
Hedging Hot with IRS
Viva Hammer, John Newton from Prudential Financial and Patrick White from the IRS debated the hedging rules and IRS’ recent focus on straddles and hedging at the 23rd Insurance Tax Seminar for the Federal Bar Association 2011 FBA Hedging Presentation final
Unintended tax consequences of the global financial crisis
In January 2011 in New York at a PLI seminar, Viva Hammer, Andrew Needham, Michael Novey and Matthew Stevens debate the tax outcomes of past economic crises and their impact on the one we’re still digging out of. 2011 PLI Financial Transactions
Viva Hammer entertains Women Corporate Directors on Tax & Derivatives
Viva Hammer provided an amusing look into derivatives, tax, and Dodd-Frank to Women Corporate Directors in DC in October 2010 and in New York in November 2010.
Read the Press release here: